Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.
Cancelled: Alan Hess on Frank Lloyd Wright’s Designs for the (Unbuilt) Lake Tahoe Summer Colony

Cancelled: Alan Hess on Frank Lloyd Wright’s Designs for the (Unbuilt) Lake Tahoe Summer Colony

CANCELLED: Due to a medical emergency, the speaker for Friday, Alan Hess, is unable to participate in the Art Bite program. The Nevada Museum of Art apologizes for the inconvenience. 

Architecture historian Alan Hess explores the unbuilt architectural heritage of Lake Tahoe including Frank Lloyd Wright’s speculative 1923 designs for a summer colony on Emerald Bay.

Educational and public programming sponsored by Dorothy Lemelson

October 16, 2015 12 – 12:45 pm
$10 General
FREE Members