My Friend, Langston!
Dorothy M. Davis unveils Langston Hughes and Griffith J. Davis’s 20-year friendship. Through personal letters and photographs, Davis will provide rare insights into how their bond inspired new horizons for Langston Hughes in Africa and Griff Davis as an internationally recognized pioneer photographer, journalist, and U.S. Senior Foreign Service Officer.
Dorothy M. Davis, President of Griffith J. Davis Photographs and Archives, has unearthed, researched, managed, preserved and promoted her father’s legacy as an internationally renowned pioneer photographer, journalist and Senior U.S. Foreign Service Officer since he died in July 1993. Starting as the Executor of his Estate, Ms. Davis is the primary source and contextual authority on his kaleidoscopic life.
Growing up in an African American U.S. Foreign Service family, Dorothy M. Davis has followed her father’s footsteps as a pioneer in the area of international development communications. Born in Liberia and raised in Tunisia, Nigeria, Switzerland, and the U.S.A., Ms. Davis has a unique career path that thrives at the nexus of private, public and non-profit sectors. The range of clients of her parallel company, Dorothy M. Davis Strategic Global Consulting, include: the United Nations system, Congressional Black Caucus Institute-Global African Diaspora Initiative (CBCI-GADI), Prosper Africa, The Andrew J. Young Foundation, and the Africa America Institute.
Griff Davis’ photographs are permanently installed at the Museum of Broadway in Times Square, New York City; the U.S. Supreme Court Archives at the request of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer; the U.S. Embassy/Monrovia at the request of then-U.S. Ambassador to Liberia Linda Thomas-Greenfield; and Spike Lee’s collection of historical photos.
Exhibitions and documentaries include: The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Harlem, New York; the National Steinbeck Center, Salinas, California; PBS-WEDU-TV Arts Plus segment “Griffith Davis” in Florida (August 2023); PBS American Experience “The American Diplomat” (February 2022); “Les Rencontres d’Arles International Photography Festival” in France (Summer 2021); The Image Centre at Toronto Metropolitan University in Toronto, Canada.
Ms. Davis’ article, Through His Lens: The Legacy of Pioneering U.S. Foreign Service Officer Griff Davis, appears in the October 2024 issue of the Foreign Service Journal. For more information: www.griffdavis.com.