Tahoe Rim Trail Association Hike: Van Sickle Bi-State Park/Kingsbury Grade
Explore scenic locations in a series of guided hikes presented in partnership with the Tahoe Rim Trail Association and the Nevada Museum of Art. Long-time Museum docent, experienced trail builder and crew leader, Bob Anderson will reveal and discuss scenic highlights along the trail as they relate to the artists and artworks featured in the exhibition Tahoe: A Visual History. Pre-registration is required. Registration closes three-days in advance of the scheduled hike.
Van Sickle Bi-state Park/Kingsbury Grade: Group will meet in Van Sickle Bi-state park at the trailhead. TRTA van will shuttle group to the Kingsbury South trailhead. A 3.5 mile (mostly downhill) hike will include discussions on the history of Kingsbury Grade and the Van Sickle family.
For more information on the Tahoe Rim Trail Association please click here.