Virtual Educator Evening: Setting Creative Intentions with Lance L. Smith
Lance L. Smith is a multidisciplinary artist, illustrator, and educator based in Las Vegas, NV where they currently serve as the Director of Rogers Art Loft. Join us for the final Educator Evening of 2021-22 where we will explore intention, intuition, and mindfulness as tools for creative expression.
Join us live on Zoom:
– https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82648297692?pwd=d2J0aThjU2RrKzlwMUlzZkUwY0Z5Zz09
– Meeting ID: 826 4829 7692
– Passcode: 528367
Educator Evenings are a FREE professional development series hosted virtually each month (excluding January and July) offering state-approved professional development hours for participation.
Sponsored by the Robert Z. Hawkins Foundation, Bank of America and the Nell J. Redfield Foundation.
STEAM education programs at the Nevada Museum of Art are sponsored by Tesla, Waste Management and City National Bank.