Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.

How do I propose my artwork for an exhibition or acquisition?

The Curatorial Department reviews exhibition proposals intermittently throughout the year. Although we do review all proposals submitted, opportunities for inclusion in the exhibition program and collection are very limited, and we cannot respond to every submission received.

When submitting an exhibition proposal, please do not include any original artwork or self-addressed stamped envelopes as we are unable to return submitted materials. You can submit your proposals via email at curatorial@nevadaart.org or by mail to:

Attn: Exhibitions Coordinator
Curatorial Department
Nevada Museum of Art
160 West Liberty Street
Reno, Nevada 89501

If you require additional information or assistance please refer to our Exhibition Proposal Review Procedures document.

Artist Proposal procedures 2024