The Story of Us – Telling Your Family’s Story with Your Smartphone
6 - 8 pm
RESCHEDULED: Please see class schedule for future dates.
A modern approach to scrapbooking. This multimedia workshop will teach you how capture and take all the digital content on your smartphone – Photos, Videos, Audio – and funnel it into beautiful shareable digital projects and tangible heirlooms. This class is for ANYONE with a smartphone and loved ones. You will become the keeper and the teller of your family’s stories. You will learn the basics of lighting, composition, smartphone photography/video, editing, telling audio stories, and creating really cool tangible memories (books, timecapsules, and things you can actually hold in your hand). Let’s get all those photos and videos off of your phone and make some memories!
Instructor: Jessi LeMay
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels
Thursdays, October 3 – November 14
6 – 8 pm
iPad Pro’s / programs will be supplied for student use. Students are encouraged to bring their smart phones or tablets so they have their personal content available to them.