Fiber Arts: Natural Dyes of the High Desert
9 am – 1 pm
Inspired by the artwork and lifestyle of Georgia O’Keeffe this class explores the color palette of the high desert through the intersection of plants and natural dyes. Working with Brooke Walshaw of Terrior Herbals, students will learn about regional dye plants and how to ethically harvest them. After harvesting the plants, Sarah Lillegard will take students through the natural dye process for silk, linen and wool textiles. By the end of the two-day workshop, students will have a dyed fabric swatches and a primer to working with natural dyes of the Great Basin. Class includes a guided walk through the Living Modern, Georgia O’Keeffe show.
Saturday and Sunday, September 14 – 15 (*September 14 includes an on-site visit to a nearby farm to harvest plant material.)
9 am – 1 pm
Instructor: Sarah Lillegard
Ages: Adult (15+) / All levels
Supply list:
All supplies supplied by instructor.