Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.
Intro to Needle Felting: Tiny Birds

Intro to Needle Felting: Tiny Birds

Saturday, November 4
10 am - 1 pm

Celebrate the opening of the exhibition, “End of the Range: Charlotte Skinner in the Eastern Sierra,” by needle felting a tiny bird reminiscent of what Ms. Skinner would have been familiar with while painting in the Owens Valley. This beginner workshop will offer an overview of needle felting tools and techniques, types of wool as well as basic blending methods, while sculpting wool into a three-dimensional bird. This course is perfect for the beginner or more advanced student. All materials will be provided.

Saturday, November 4
10 am – 1 pm

Instructor: Lynn Short
Adult: (15+) | All levels

November 4, 2023 10 am – 1 pm