“We Were Lost in Our Country" will be temporarily closed Feb. 4 – 7 as part of the Museum’s expansion efforts. The exhibition will reopen on Saturday, Feb. 8

Introduction to Mixed Media

Tuesdays, June 30 – July 14 / 6 – 9 pm

Come spend some lazy summer evening exploring mixed media art. Week one will focus on surfaces and backgrounds. We will make some of our own custom surfaces to work on and explore different ways of adding transparent colors and pattern. Week two will focus on collage and transfer techniques to add images to the mix. Week three will focus on techniques that add details to our work, like stitching, the use of gel pens, and mica powders. Students may complete a piece each week focusing on different techniques or continue working on pieces throughout the three weeks.

Supply List: Any mixed media supplies you already own and love (stamps, inks, paints, pens, etc). Any collage supplies you want to work with. (Optional, plenty will be supplied)

Instructor: Jessica Weems
Ages: 15 and Up / All Levels

Mixed Media
June 30, 2015 6 – 9 pm