Summer Intensive: Botanical Illustration
Tuesday – Thursday, June 27 – 29 / 10 am – 2 pm
Using subjects from the early summer garden students will be instructed in the process of creating a botanical illustration in watercolor and mixed media. Both single subjects and composition work will be explored. While this class is open to all levels some experience in watercolor is recommended.
Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Ages: Adults (15+) / All levels
Supply List:
- Tablet of #140 Arches or Strathmore cold pressed watercolor paper (hot press for advanced students). *Paper can be purchased from instructor during class for $2.00 each
- Watercolor kit that includes #6 and #8 pointed brush
- Watercolor Tubes: Sap green, lemon yellow, new gamboge, permanent rose, alizarin crimson, yellow ochre
- 2 HB pencils
- 2 water containers
- Roll of paper towels