Virtual Educator Evenings
Join us for a look and discussion on My Land, My Dreaming, an exhibition that presents a selection of artworks by Aboriginal Australian contemporary artists. William L. Fox, Peter E. Pool Director for the Center for Art + Environment will join us to talk about this exhibition that explores issues around land, resources, diverse Indigenous populations, legacies of colonialism, and the ongoing conflicts that inevitably arise when these factors coexist.
In case you registered late or missed the email, here is today’s Zoom information:
Dial by your location: 669.900.9128
Meeting ID: 929 0761 8685
Passcode: 231762
Educator Evening is a FREE professional development series on the first Wednesday of every month (excluding January and July) offering state-approved professional development hours for participation.
Sponsored by the Robert Z. Hawkins Foundation, Bank of America and the Nell J. Redfield Foundation.
STEAM education programs at the Nevada Museum of Art are sponsored by Tesla.