Drawing for Oil Painting
Tuesday, October 3 - 24
9 am - noon
9 am - noon
The key element of a great oil painting is a solid drawing undergirding it. While a great drawing can stand alone without needing to be painted, a great painting can’t be so without a great drawing/underpainting to start. In this class, students will learn a simple approach to drawing semi-complex to complex subjects with paint into an underpainting. Under the guidence of the instructor, students will turn turn thir underpainting into a finshed piece! Students will likely be able to complete two projects over the course of the class.
Tuesday, October 3 – 24
9 am – noon
Instructor: Mike Callahan
Age: Adult (15+) | All Levels
Supplies: Show confirmation receipt at Nevada Fine Arts for a 10% discount.
- Paint: Note: If you already have a set of oil paint with a variety of colors, you are welcome to bring it, if not you should get the following colors: M. Graham brand , Zinc White (37ml), Titanium White (37ml), Hansa Yellow (37ml), Quinacridone Rose (37 ml), Phthalocyanine Blue (37 ml)
- Thinner: Weber Turpenoid (pint) or similar artist’s grade odorless mineral spirits.
- Medium: M. Graham Walnut Oil (4oz)
- Containers: Silicoil cleaning jar or other small glass jar with sealable lid (for thinner) Small can such as olive can (for medium)
- Brushes: Synthetic Brights OR Filberts: Silverbrush Bristlon #2, #4, and #10 Or Connoisseur Pure Synthetic, #2, #4, and #10 Or any quality hog bristle in those sizes if the student already owns their own brushes.
- Painting or Palette knife (steel is preferable to plastic)
- Disposable Palette
- New Wave Disposable Palette (grey) or similar
- Brush Cleaner
- The Masters Brush Cleaner and Preserver 2.5 oz
- 2- Stretched Canvases or Canvas Panels (9”x12”, 11”x14, or 12”x16” – larger sizes than these not recommended due to time constraints)
- Roll of absorbent paper towels (i.e. Viva or Blue Shop Towels)
- Optional: Nitrile gloves
- Approximate cost of above items $100- $120