Georgia O’Keeffe Inspired Large Scale Watercolor Flowers (Virtual)
10 am – 2 pm
Learn about composition in painting and develop your watercolor skills while being inspired by the artwork of Georgia O’Keeffe. Students will begin by going looking at the art of O’Keeffe’s floral paintings, specifically the 1939 paining Hibiscus with Plumeria currently on view at the Museum. This class is ideal for beginners, or those wishing to refresh their skills.
Virtual Class: This virtual class will be held online through Zoom. Please have Zoom installed on your device and enable the audio and video feature. A Zoom link will be sent to you a day before class begins.
Instructor: Reena Spansail
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels
Sunday, July 12
10 am – 2 pm
Supply List:
-Your personal watercolor pallet
-If you are a beginner getting ready to purchase your first watercolor paints we suggest: https://www.amazon.com/Winsor-Newton-Cotman-Sketchers-14-Pieces/dp/B00004THXI/ref=sr_1_1?s=arts-crafts&ie=UTF8&qid=1541442397&sr=1-1&keywords=windsor+newton+travel+watercolors
-Several sheets of 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper (recommended professional grade such as Arches, Daler Rowney Langton Prestige, Kilimanjaro)
-Frisket or Masking fluid
-Roll of paper towels
-Drawing pencil (mechanical pencil works the best)
-Kneaded eraser
-2 Plastic water containers
-At least 3 brushes: Rounds # 4 & 8, Rigger brush (recommended Silver/Black Velvet brushes)
Supplies can be found at Nevada Fine Arts (limited supply), dickblick.com, cheapjoes.com
Virtual Class: This virtual class will be held online through Zoom. Please have Zoom installed on your device and enable the audio and video feature. A Zoom link will be sent to you a day before class begins.