Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.
Introduction to Acrylic Painting Techniques – Part II

Introduction to Acrylic Painting Techniques – Part II

Tuesdays, March 27 and April 3 / 1 – 4 pm

This class is offered as an two week extension to the February/March 2018 Acrylic Painting Techniques class. Students will continue to evolve their acrylic painting techniques and improve on their skills. 

Instructor: Rachel Stiff

Below is the suggested supply list from the original course. For these two additional class dates, please bring two additional canvases, one per class, sized 9×12″ or 11×14″ 

• Artist Grade Acrylic Paint (Golden, Liquitex, or Grumbacher) *Not Liquitex Basics: Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow Light, Phthalo Blue, Raw Umber, Alizerin Crimson, Titanium White, Mars Black in  2, 3, or 5 oz tubes 
• Jar for Water
• Palette Sheets 
• Synthetic Brushes: Flat, Bright and Round Sizes 2, 4, 8, 10 and 12 
• Palette Knives (Variety of Sizes)
• The Masters Brush Cleaner and Preserver 2.5 oz

March 27, 2018 1 – 4 pm