Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.
Maize, Botanical Illustration in Watercolor

Maize, Botanical Illustration in Watercolor

Thursday, September 29
10 am - 2 pm

This class will use colorful Maize to learn basics of botanical illustration and a variety of watercolor skills. The technique of combining watercolor and pencil drawing will also be explored. Previous experience in watercolor is recommended. 

Thursday, September 29
10 am – 2 pm

Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Age: Adult (15 +) | Some experience recommended

Supply List:

  • Tablet of 140# Watercolor paper (Casson, Arches, or Strathmore). NOTE: Paper can be purchased from instructor during class for $2 per sheet.
  • Small round 10 well pallet with plastic lid
  • Sketch tablet or paper
  • Basic watercolor set (Reeves or Richardson set of 12 is fine, or your own set)
  • 2 drawing or mechanical pencils, and a rubber eraser
  • Fine point (005) black ink pen, MUST be waterproof
  • Two plastic water containers
  • Roll of paper towels
September 29, 2022 10 am – 2 pm