Maize, Botanical Illustration in Watercolor
Thursday, September 29
10 am - 2 pm
10 am - 2 pm
This class will use colorful Maize to learn basics of botanical illustration and a variety of watercolor skills. The technique of combining watercolor and pencil drawing will also be explored. Previous experience in watercolor is recommended.
Thursday, September 29
10 am – 2 pm
Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Age: Adult (15 +) | Some experience recommended
Supply List:
- Tablet of 140# Watercolor paper (Casson, Arches, or Strathmore). NOTE: Paper can be purchased from instructor during class for $2 per sheet.
- Small round 10 well pallet with plastic lid
- Sketch tablet or paper
- Basic watercolor set (Reeves or Richardson set of 12 is fine, or your own set)
- 2 drawing or mechanical pencils, and a rubber eraser
- Fine point (005) black ink pen, MUST be waterproof
- Two plastic water containers
- Roll of paper towels