Nightscape in Watercolor
Friday, November 30
10 am - 3 pm
10 am - 3 pm
This one-day workshop will present techniques in watercolor to express the beauty of sunsets, starry nights and early dawns. Both impressionistic and realistic approaches will be explored.
Friday, November 30
10 am – 3 pm
Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Ages: Adult (15+) / Some watercolor experience
Supply list:
- Watercolor paper cold press 140 lb (Arches suggested)
- Small bottle of Frisket/Mask
- 2 toothbrushes
- Watercolor Brushes including #8 OR #6 pointed and ½” OR 1” flat
- Pallet that includes indigo and thalo blue
- HB pencil
- Kneaded eraser
- Roll of paper towels
For questions about the supply, please email Carroll Charlet at carrollcharlet@sbcglobal.net