Pyramid Lake in Watercolor
Tuesdays, May 24 and 31
10 am - 2 pm
10 am - 2 pm
This class will provide instruction in painting the unique characteristics of Pyramid Lakes water, sky and rocks. In the second day of class the instructor will focus on students individual progress and provide help with their sketch’s and paintings.
Tuesdays, May 24 and 31
10 am – 2 pm
Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Ages: Adult (15+) | Intermediate and Advanced students
Supplies: Show email confirmation at Nevada Fine Arts for a 10% discount.
- Personal watercolor pallet that includes a variety greens, yellows and reds
- No 6 and No 8 pointed/round watercolor brush
- Graphite or mechanical pencil
- 2 plastic water containers
- Roll of paper towels
- Tablet of cold press 140 lb watercolor paper, minimum 9” x 12” (4 sheets will be used in class)*
* Single sheets of watercolor paper may be purchased during class $2/sheet
For questions regarding materials, contact Carroll Charlet at carrollcharlet@sbcglobal.net