Succulents in Watercolor
Tuesday, February 1
Noon - 4 pm
Noon - 4 pm
Learn to paint the subtle hues of succulents in watercolors. The class will emphasize shadowing and highlighting techniques to work with subjects with nearly monochromatic color that will make your painting pop!
Tuesday, February 1
Noon – 4 pm
Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Ages: Adult (15+) | Intermediate and Advanced Watercolor Students
Supply list: Show confirmation receipt at Nevada Fine Arts for a 10% discount.
Please bring any supplies you own for your specific project. A recommended basic supply list is as follows:
Watercolors: Cobalt Blue, Phthalo Blue, Lemon Yellow, Alizarin Crimson, Magenta, Sap Green, New Gamboge, Yellow Ochre. (Cotman or Van Gogh is fine; Windsor Newton is excellent)
- Your personal watercolor pallet
- 2 HB Pencils
- Watercolor Brushes: #6 & #10 Round (Silver/Black brand is recommended and available at Nevada Fine Arts)
- Pad of Arches 140# cold press watercolor paper
- Roll of paper towels
- 2 Plastic water containers.