Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.
Summer Bouquets in Ink and Watercolor

Summer Bouquets in Ink and Watercolor

Sunday, July 28
10 am – 3 pm

Learn to paint the beautiful colors of summer, mixing watercolor and ink. Instruction will be provided in composition and watercolor techniques such as multiple washes and glazing. Some watercolor experience is recommended.

Sunday, July 28
10 am – 3 pm

Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels

Required Supplies:
•    Basic Watercolor Set (paint and brush)
•    Small round 10-well pallet
•    Fine tip waterproof black ink pen (Micron 005 or equal)
•    Graphite or mechanical pencil
•    Kneaded rubber eraser
•    Two plastic water containers
•    Watercolor Paper, 140 lb cold press *
    *single sheets of watercolor paper may be purchased during class for $2.00/sheet

For questions regarding supplies, please contact carrollcharlet@sbcglobal.net   

*Materials available at Nevada Fine Arts (mention registration for 10% discount)

July 28, 2019 10 am – 3 pm