Watercolor Geraniums: From Studies to Composition
Tuesday and Thursday, September 14 and 16
12 - 4 pm
12 - 4 pm
Using potted geraniums as subjects, students will learn the process of creating compositions from their own studies. Wet and dry techniques, hard and soft edges, and texturing will be explored. Watercolor experience is recommended.
Tuesday and Thursday, September 14 and 16
12 – 4 pm
Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Ages: Adult (15+) / Intermediate and Advanced Watercolor Students
Supply list: Show email confirmation at Nevada Fine Arts for a 10% discount.
- Personal watercolor pallet that includes a variety greens, yellows and reds
- No 6 and No 8 pointed/round watercolor brush
- Graphite or mechanical pencil
- 2 plastic water containers
- Roll of paper towels
- Tablet of cold press 140 lb watercolor paper, minimum 9” x 12” (4 sheets will be used in class)*
* Single sheets of watercolor paper may be purchased during class $2/sheet
For questions regarding materials, contact Carroll Charlet at carrollcharlet@sbcglobal.net